Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Both the Aztecs and Romans will be remember for their amazing structures that they built. Many of these structures can still be seen today. The greatest Aztec achievement was the building of Tenochtitlan. This was the capital city of the Aztec empire and the largest city in the world at that time. What is amazing about this city is that it was built in a swamp. Huge causeways connected the city to the mainland. The causeways even had bridges built into them as boat traffic could move around. It is interesting that the same thing can be said about the city of Rome! It is filled with amazing buildings and was also built on a swamp.

The Aztecs built amazing Pyramids. The largest was The Pyramid of The Sun. It is the third largest pyramid in the world. The Aztec pyramids were four sided pyramids with stairs on one side and a flat top roof where ceremonies and sacrifices were held.

Without the Aztecs and the Romans we might not enjoy the cities that we have today. The Aztecs built amazing structures by hand and with very little technology. The Romans improved on everything the Aztecs did. They built aqueducts to bring water to their cities, improved roads, built large public baths, protective walls, theatres, bridges, water ways, temples, arches, and palaces. Romans were great engineers.

1 comment:

  1. How could the Romans build of what the Aztecs did if the Aztecs came after the end of Roman civilization?

    Do you have any sources on how the Aztecs and Romans could've come in contact with each other? I need it for a project
